5 Things To Know About Rollover Crashes In Shreveport

Rollover crashes are not the most common type of motor vehicle collision in Louisiana, but they are often among the most fatal. When another motorist or another party is responsible for causing a rollover crash, it is critical to speak with an experienced Shreveport auto injury lawyer to find out more about filing a claim for financial compensation. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us to find out more about your options. In the meantime, the following are five things you should know about rollover crashes in Shreveport.
- Rollover Crashes Are Often Deadly
Rollover crashes, which are those types of wrecks that involve a motor vehicle tipping over onto its side or onto its roof (and sometimes literally rolling over multiple times), tend to be deadlier than many other types of crashes. Indeed, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), “rollover crashes are more likely to result in fatalities than other types of crashes,” and “rollover crashes constitute about one-fifth of all fatal crashes.”
- Rollovers Happen for Different Reasons
There are multiple potential causes of rollover crashes in Shreveport and throughout Louisiana. According to Progressive Insurance, “tripping,” or a crash that happens “when a car’s tire hits something — such as a curb or ditch — that shifts the vehicle’s weight to one side” is one of the most common causes of rollovers. In addition, speeding, taking a curve too quickly, driving on slick roads, or being involved in a high-speed impact crash with another vehicle can often cause rollovers.
- Some Vehicles Are More Prone to Rollovers Than Others
Certain types of vehicles are slightly more prone to rollovers than other types of vehicles, including SUVs, pickup trucks, and other light trucks.
- Rollover Crashes Can Be Single-Vehicle Crashes or Multi-Vehicle Collisions
The majority of rollover crashes are single-vehicle crashes, according to the NHTSA. However, these crashes can also involve multiple vehicles, meaning two or more vehicles.
- Your Lawsuit Will Most Likely Need to Be Filed Within One Year
After you determine liability and begin thinking about a personal injury lawsuit, it is essential to know that most personal injury cases in Louisiana — including car crash cases — have a short statute of limitations of only one year. What this typically means is that you will need to file your lawsuit within one year from the date of the original rollover crash. If you fail to file your lawsuit within that one-year time window, your lawsuit can be time-barred under Louisiana law. To avoid any issues concerning the statute of limitations, you should get started on your case with an attorney as quickly as possible.
Contact a Shreveport Rollover Collision Attorney Today
Do you need assistance seeking compensation after a rollover crash? You may be able to hold one or more parties accountable for any injuries you have sustained. You should have one of the experienced Shreveport rollover crash attorneys at Rice & Kendig, LLC assess your case for you today and discuss your options with you for filing a claim.