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Have You Sustained A Spinal Cord Injury In Louisiana?


A spinal cord injury is one of the most serious that a person can sustain, because of just how many bodily functions are routed through the spine. Spinal cord injuries can be very expensive. It is a good idea to file a lawsuit against the negligent person, in order to try and recover some of your medical bills and other damages.

If you have sustained a spinal injury because of the alleged negligence of another person, it may feel overwhelming to try and sue the person who caused you harm. An injured person’s focus will obviously be on physical recovery first. However, if your case is successful, the money damages can go a long way toward getting you and your loved ones back on more secure financial footing. A Shreveport-Bossier spinal cord attorney can help answer any questions you may have about seeking money damages for what you have been through.

Spinal Injuries Are Serious & Expensive

Statistics from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC) estimate that as many as four-fifths of new spinal injuries each year are sustained by male victims, while approximately three-fifths are white. By far the most common documented reasons for new spinal cord injuries are vehicle crashes, falls (particularly among the elderly), and being on the receiving end of an act of violence. The most common type of injury is incomplete tetraplegia, which means that a person will have a small amount of lingering feeling in all four limbs.

The same institution also tabulates the historical lifetime costs of care for someone who has sustained a spinal injury. The first year of dealing with any type of spinal injury, is generally the most expensive. Someone who experiences complete tetraplegia (that is, no motor function below the neck) can be expected to spend approximately $200,000 per year on care and upkeep. These amounts add up, particularly if the injury happened to the victim at a young age.

Some of the most common include breathing problems – which can cost quite a bit to remedy – as well as blood clots, irregular heartbeat, and loss of urinary or sexual function. Between the initial injuries and all the other long-term conditions that may evolve out of the injury, you have the right to try and hold the negligent defendant accountable.

Filing Suit

If you do eventually decide to file suit against the person who caused your spinal injury, know that you have a very short window in which to do that in Louisiana. Personal injury cases have a statute of limitations of only one year – that is, injured plaintiffs only have one year from the day of the accident in which to file suit for their injuries. The reason for this is that memories fade over time, and also that spinal cord injuries can be somewhat changeable, particularly after first being sustained.

In order to prevail in court, you must be able to show that your injury would not have happened if not for the defendant’s actions. In theory, the defendant owed a duty to exercise reasonable care, and if you can establish that they (1) failed to do so, and (2) that failure was the direct cause of your injuries, with no other potential intervening cause, you have a good chance to recover damages However, it is best not to try and mount this kind of suit on your own; a Shreveport spinal cord injury from Rice & Kendig can help give you the best chance at a positive outcome. We are ready, willing, and able to assist you with your case. Call our office today at 318-222-2772 for a free consultation.



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912 Kings Highway
Shreveport, Louisiana 71104
Office: 318-222-2772
Shreveport-Bossier City

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