Warm Weather and Dog Bite Injuries in Louisiana

As springtime weather brings warm temperatures to Shreveport and Louisiana residents anticipate hot and humid summer weather, it is important to think about the risks of dog bite injuries and to understand your options if you are injured in an animal attack. While most of us do not like to think about the risk of a serious injury caused by a dog bite — especially if it is our own pet dog, or if a family member or friend owns the dog — you should remember that most dog bite injuries involve a dog that is known to the injured person. In other words, the image of a strange and vicious dog that attacks is not the common situation when a severe or fatal dog bite injury occurs.
Our Louisiana dog bite injury attorneys want to remind you about the increasing risk of a dog bite as the weather gets particularly warm and to ensure that you know about your rights under Louisiana law when it comes to seeking compensation for a dog bite injury.
Recent High Rates of Dog Bite Injuries
In recent years, the overall rate of dog bite injuries has been rising, and the number increased again in 2023. According to data reported by PropertyCasualty360, dog bite injury claims rose last year by 8 percent in comparison with 2022, and the number of claims is particularly stark when compared with data from around a decade ago. To be sure, since 2013, dog bite injury claims have risen by about 110 percent, and in 2023 those claims amounted to a total payout of more than $1.1 billion for more than 19,000 dog bite injuries. On average, each dog bite claim paid out $58,545 per claimant.
The report underscores that properly socializing dogs and understanding cues that dogs might bite can help to prevent injuries, but that even well-trained dogs that are loving family members can bite. And as other research suggests, those injuries may be more likely in hot weather. To be sure, a recent article in Scientific Reports revealed that dog bite injuries are more likely to occur on especially hot and sunny days. Just as humans can be negatively affected by high and humid temperatures, so can animals. Accordingly, as hot weather becomes the norm in Louisiana, it is important to be aware of the risks of a dog bite injury.
What If I Am Bitten?
If you or your child gets bitten by a dog, what do you need to know?
Under Louisiana law, dog owners are strictly liable (which means the injured person does not need to prove liability or negligence) if the dog owner knew or should have known that their dog was likely to bite. This is commonly known as the “one-bite” rule. Otherwise, a dog owner can also be held accountable for negligence in failing to prevent their dog from biting another person.
Contact Our Shreveport Dog Bite Injury Attorneys Today
Anyone who has been injured by a dog bite should seek legal help to find out about filing a claim. One of the experienced Shreveport dog bite injury lawyers at Rice & Kendig, LLC can discuss liability with you today and can provide you with more information about your options for seeking compensation.