Louisiana Bicycle Accident Injuries

Many people enjoy riding a bike through their neighborhood. For some it is solely a form of entertainment, others rely on their bikes for transportation. While bicycles can be a great way to stay fit and save money when gas prices are high, there are risks. When individuals are involved in a collision while riding their bikes, injuries can be extensive.
While there are not a lot of bike lanes or parking for bikes in Shreveport, the area is overall bike friendly for bicycle lovers. But there are times when accidents happen. Plan ahead and do what you can to keep yourself safe while navigating Shreveport roads on a bicycle. And if an injury does occur, talk to a Shreveport injury lawyer to understand your rights.
Visibility is Important When Riding a Bicycle
One of the most important ways to keep yourself safe when on a bicycle is ensuring you are visible to others. Reflective, light clothing and bike lights can be helpful. These precautions are not always useful at night, visibility can even be an issue during the day. In fact, lights are a requirement in Louisiana at night.
Louisiana bike equipment needs:
- Helmets must be worn by bike riders under the age of 12
- Lights are required, a white light in front and a red light in back, at night
- Bicycles should have audible devices, such as a bell, to alert others as needed
- Working brakes are required for stopping when required
There are behaviors that need to be followed as well. Bikes may not travel more than two side by side. Bicycle operators also cannot get in the way of vehicular traffic and must abide by traffic signs and signals.
Maintain Safe Speeds and Stay Aware
One of the many reasons why people enjoy riding bikes is because they can lead to a sense of freedom, but there are still road rules to follow. For instance, riding at a safe speed so hazards can be avoided is recommended. If a bike is going so fast they are unable to stop when a car door is suddenly opened and in the way, accident injuries are possible.
Of course, basic road rules also need to be followed. This includes coming to a full stop at stop signs and red lights and using hand signals to alert others of a bicyclist’s plan to stop or turn.
If you believe another was responsible for your bicycle accident, talk to a Shreveport injury lawyer. A skilled lawyer can investigate your situation and help you secure compensation for your Louisiana bike injury.
Were you injured while riding your bike in your Louisiana neighborhood? The personal injury lawyers at Rice & Kendig can negotiate with an insurance company for you. We truly care about our clients and devote our knowledge, skills and resources toward securing a great result every time. You do not need to navigate complicated negotiations on your own. Together, we can achieve success. Contact us today at 318-222-2772 to schedule your free consultation.