Soft Tissue Injuries After Louisiana Car Crashes

When a person gets into a car wreck, they may be injured in several different ways. A lot of people think the injuries that a person sustains after this kind of event are immediately visible, like broken bones, cuts and bruises. While these types of visible injuries do happen, some of the most common car wreck injuries may not appear for days or even weeks after the incident in question. These are called soft tissue injuries, and they can be just as debilitating as any fracture.
After any kind of vehicle collision, it is a good idea to consult a Shreveport auto accident attorney to determine whether you have a case against anyone else involved. However, this kind of information-gathering has to include an actual description of your injuries, so that the potential defendant has an idea of just how much a lawsuit may cost them.
Present All The Evidence
Soft tissue injuries, which most often happen to one’s neck and back, are sometimes referred to as whiplash injuries. This is because in a collision, it is probable that one’s neck will “whip” sharply in one direction, causing damage to the tendons and muscles, or even the vertebrae. Sprains and strains are among the more mild results, but the most extreme can lead to spinal damage – and very often, they are not noticed immediately after the accident.
A soft tissue injury may be difficult to pin point during the beginning stages of treatment. This may discourage many people from seeking an attorneys help with filing a claim in the first place. If someone suffers a soft tissue injury, there is no specific test to detect or diagnose these injuries other than to evaluate all the symptoms and try to draw conclusions through a process of elimination.
If you have been in a car wreck, it is important to seek medical attention right away so any soft tissue or internal injury can be treated immediately. An insurer will not pay out for any claim that is not properly documented. The more evidence one can show to an insurer, the higher the likelihood of the claim being granted. Something to keep in mind is that Louisiana is a comparative fault jurisdiction, which means that even if you were partially responsible for your own harm, you can still make recovery; you will simply recover an amount minus the percentage you were at fault. If the court rules that you were 10 percent responsible for your own injuries, you may still be able to recover 90 percent of your damages.
The Details Do Matter
If you decide to file suit against the person who allegedly caused your injuries, having an attorney to handle the little details can make all the difference. There are several types of damages that an injured collision victim can seek in court: actual damages like the cost of their car or hospital bills, as well as non-tangible claims like pain and suffering or mental anguish. These types of cases can be difficult for those who try to go it alone. The Shreveport soft tissue injury attorneys at Rice & Kendig will handle every detail of your case so you can focus on physical recovery. Contact our office today at 318-222-2772.