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What To Know About Distracted Driving Crashes Involving Pedestrians


Distracted driving crashes can occur almost anywhere in Shreveport when a driver behind the wheel is not paying sufficient attention to the road and to the task of driving. Much too often, pedestrians are seriously injured in collisions involving distracted drivers. From crashes that occur in crosswalks to those that happen on local roads while pedestrians are out jogging or walking, distracted driving can result in severe and deadly injuries for pedestrians. What do you need to know about distracted driving crashes involving pedestrians? Consider the following information from our Shreveport car crash lawyers.

Distracted Driving Can Cause Collisions Involving Pedestrians 

Did you know that distracted driving is responsible for an average of 9 deaths every day in the U.S. and more than 1,000 daily injuries? That information comes from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, which emphasizes that a large number of distracted driving collisions result from texting while driving or other prohibited cell phone uses behind the wheel. In many cases, the people who are injured are pedestrians.

Indeed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 20 percent of the people who are killed in collisions caused by a distracted driver are not in vehicles at the time of the crash. Rather, as the CDC clarifies, those people “were walking, riding their bikes, or otherwise outside a vehicle.” The CDC notes that young adult and teen drivers are especially likely to cause a distracted driving collision, yet it is important to remember that distracted drivers come in all age groups. Even older adults can get distracted behind the wheel. Some common examples of distractions that cause collisions with pedestrians include but are not limited to:

  • Texting while driving;
  • Talking on the phone;
  • Eating;
  • Grooming;
  • Talking to another vehicle occupant;
  • Reaching for something in a bag or wallet in the passenger seat;
  • Changing the music;
  • Adjusting the GPS; or
  • Thinking about a distracting problem at home or work.

Distracted Walking Can Also Be a Cause of Collisions 

While distracted driving is a serious issue that can result in pedestrian injuries, it is also important to know that, in some cases, pedestrians can be responsible for collisions due to distracted walking. As the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) explains, distracted walking — such as texting on a phone while crossing the street — can cause serious and deadly collisions with motor vehicles.

In some situations, both a distracted driver and a distracted pedestrian can be liable for a collision. It is important for people considering personal injury lawsuits in Shreveport to know that Louisiana is a pure comparative fault state. Accordingly, an injured plaintiff can still obtain damages if they were partially to blame for their injuries, but their recovery will be reduced by their percentage of fault.

Contact a Shreveport Distracted Driving Lawyer Today 

Getting hurt in a distracted driving crash can be devastating. Your injuries can result in substantial medical bills, and the severity of your injuries may prevent you from returning to work in any regular capacity. It is critical to seek compensation for your losses. Our experienced Shreveport distracted driving attorneys can evaluate your case for you today, and we can discuss your options for seeking financial compensation. Do not hesitate to get in touch with Rice & Kendig, LLC to begin working on your claim.






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Shreveport, Louisiana 71104
Office: 318-222-2772
Shreveport-Bossier City

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