Who is Liable for a Pedestrian Injury in Louisiana?

Pedestrians can be injured in many types of collisions in the Shreveport area, and liability can be difficult to determine with certainty in some injury situations. While negligent motor vehicle drivers might often be at fault for pedestrian injuries, other parties can also be responsible. It is critical to determine liability in a pedestrian crash because determining liability can allow you to file a claim against the liable party or parties who caused the injury. Who is liable for a pedestrian injury in Louisiana? The answer to that question will depend on the specific facts of your case, and an experienced Shreveport pedestrian injury attorney can assess your case for you today to determine liability in your case. In the meantime, the following parties are those who are commonly liable for pedestrian injuries in the Shreveport area.
Car or Truck Driver
Negligent car or truck drivers are often liable for pedestrian injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 60 percent of pedestrian deaths occur in urban areas, and speeding is often a causal factor.
E-Bike Rider
E-bikes are extremely dangerous, and when they collide with pedestrians, pedestrians can be seriously injured.
Bicyclists are often at risk of injury themselves in collisions involving motor vehicles, but it is important to keep in mind that bicyclists can also be responsible for collisions with pedestrians. When a bicyclist is not paying attention or riding on a sidewalk, that bicyclist may be responsible for injuries a pedestrian sustains. Bicyclists can also be at fault for collisions involving motor vehicles and pedestrians, or circumstances in which a vehicle must swerve to avoid a bicyclist but strikes a pedestrian instead.
Maker of a Defective Vehicle Part
Some pedestrian collisions result from a defective part in a car, truck, or another vehicle, such as defective steering or defective brakes. When a defect causes a collision and a pedestrian is injured, the designer or manufacturer, or even the retailer in some circumstances, could be liable.
When a mechanic’s negligence while servicing or repairing a vehicle results in a collision with a pedestrian (such as a negligent brake job), the mechanic could be liable for the pedestrian’s injuries.
Property Owner
Sometimes a crash involving a pedestrian will occur because of a hazard on the road or other property. In such circumstances, the property owner could be liable for the injury.
In some cases, a pedestrian’s negligence might be the cause of a collision or might play a role in causing the collision. Even if the defendant in a pedestrian injury case argues that the pedestrian is partially at fault, Louisiana’s comparative fault law still allows an injured pedestrian to recover damages — as long as the pedestrian is not 100 percent at fault.
Contact Our Shreveport Pedestrian Injury Attorneys Today
Pedestrians can be seriously harmed in collisions with motor vehicles, as well as in crashes involving bicyclists, e-bike riders, and other parties. It will be essential to determine whether the driver or another party is liable. Do not hesitate to contact an experienced Shreveport pedestrian injury lawyer at Rice & Kendig, LLC for assistance. One of the experienced attorneys at our firm can speak with you today about your injury or an injury sustained by a loved one, and we can help you determine liability and file a claim for financial compensation. Contact us today to discuss your case.